Apocalypse fireworks

I tried to write a poem
The way I always do
Last second
First minute after the count
Late bloomer
to school
to the party
the office
So I seek to resurrect myself
Submit to the barely on time
Circadian clocks and their rhythms
I submit to my body
Lay down in my biology
Look into the transpiration made breath
I submit
In the nick of time
To rising up
The weaving through
The vining in
The hyphal hyphenate hugging
Transformation happens in the offset hours
I see a beach. Stretching
reflecting into the ocean
like Christmas in April
tide pools dazzling with the lights
orange and blue moon
Drifting in silence
Save for the roar and the fills
Shapes carved in the sand
Self dreamt into sand
Dreams as trees
Drawn up into the lungs
#National Poetry Month