Poetry from The Resurrection of Gold
Written in light of my father’s death from pre-existing conditions. Proposed as a collection with the title: The Resurrection of Gold. 2022.

The Threshold
There was a place where I heard you breathe
cold against the morning light
You were minutes from leaving but still we counted in days
We begged the security guards to return you
We asked for passes
For printed pieces of permission
Like children not of yours but theirs
There was a place where I heard you breathe
It was climate controlled
And disinfected so that only light could reach your hands
Hold your hair
While we shuffled our feet in pairs
Waited our turn
Like good little children of the boxes
We begged.
between longing ratios
And the means to a rage
square roots of change
between death and imagination comes the glacial shimmer
We die together as siblings
born of the same womb great and large enough for all
We emerge from the urge
We come as blades of change
We come green as shoots
sharp with boundaries
We come and are taken in fistfuls
By this womb we are born together
In the grip, we flex.
All in time and time for all
The scythe of state and order are our teeth and claw
Our apex is a target
We are a constant plow and a harvest as long as song
We are cavestone and crested plateau
We are red and blue phases of light
We are painting fingers and painted eyes
We are abundant
This is our mystery that one of us dies
The others remain falling drops
Lifting flags, streaking fires of dawn
And sunsets
the tents of home
changeling rivers
We pour over the banks of seasons
We overtake in winds the curve of every shore,
No more than grains We are hurricane strength
in the littered flows of fancy
We are one and always many
We are the hateful children and the loving ones
We bow down to kiss and bite the toes of all we are
To become again ourselves
We have no nation except all nations
We have no tribe but every tribe
We have no coins but every coin
Gilds our fascinating cages
We swallow the seeds of ourselves
We birth our selves
Our saviors are our selves
Our heads are bobbing in our mirrors
Our spines are stretched from the higher ropes
With every death of you comes the death of me
With every birth of you comes the birth of me
With every dying father comes the burning son
With every body comes the choice
To be what is or to be what is willed
To be the superhuman or to be the pallid shadow
With every gold coin precedes the shell
With every pointed edge precedes the circle
With every revolution precedes the pain
This revolution is our evolution
This radiant day is an egg
This yolk is our truth
Eaten by us the snake
Scavenged by us the fox
This not our land or no land
This is the hyphae of our brown, pure blood
This is our net spread by Indra
This is our new world over and over
Screaming blue eagles
We press the issue
Every death is our birthright
Every body ours to hold
To burn or to bury to mint in effigy
the gold of our dreams is our blood,
Diamonds are made through time and pressure
This is our everneveralways
Becoming. Our myths of forever.
This is the immigrants plight
Our refugee’s cutlass
Making through the meadows
Gripped in purple shadows
This is the owl smoked to death
Singed at the angle most pointed,
This is wisdom hunted and hiding never
Always in plain sight, often ignored
This is the death that we needed
This is the vine in waiting
This is in vino veritas
Coming home in lockdown
Come down from the clouds
With fists full of blaze
This is the remix of the raze.
This is the violin sample
scratch against the plastic
Our oceans are full of salt
Our oceans are full of brimming to the hilt of us
Spilling to the dusk of us
This is the song we sing
Not coddled In ivy
Taking over the palace
The Martian atlas is our ransom
This is our map of layers
We are more than diamond
We are hearts of emeralds
We are sapphire white and blue,
Glittering in the wake of the sky
We are pearls chosen
We are rubies red, and garnet shining
The color of blood spills down our thighs
The color of us spills into our bodies
The turtles swim as us
Away from us
We are the death of us
The extended shell of us
We are the negative hate of us
We are love all the way down to the sulfur
We are the mirror of pride
We are the pipes of the organ
Playing it one last time
We are spit to shine
Polished in brass,
crazing the glass of the churches
We are the cliff upon which all of us pilgrim
Plunge into the waters
And out by the watchful heron
We swim.
We are the birds we pluck
Feather by feather we bald,
Eating ourselves as carrion
Delicious, nutritious, this side of warm.
We are the death and our resurrection
We are what kills the masters we create
Swallowed whole we are showers of glitter
trails in the celestial land
One step for us, one step for all of our kind.
One step for us, one step on all our kind.
Our bacterial mothers
Our viral fathers
Our trinity of archeological beings
Our extended family beings, meanings
Our particle selves
Our symbiosis
in angles,
Whole Us
With words lunging
Ideas blooming
Us whole and discreet
With viscose kisses of slime
We are all that we ever were
In the death of one I feel the end
Tender as heaven’s silk
wrapping tendrils of will
We are bound to our kin-lit dreams
walls tighten in tender fire
To our invisible sparks
To this we love
To we we cry
Deliver us
Deliver us
From the spinning of yarn
To this we submit
To this we are collared
To this we kiss the end of each love
To this the spider of time
Does weave us with a loom as large as our eyes.
When a parent dies the child inside is orphaned
And then the child rises
pure as Aphrodite
powerful as Athena
Aleph the Sequel
There is no beginning and there is no end
There is only the story of all stories
All of which will someday be lost
And started
Until the end
Electric air
we are magnetic thread
This is our day of breaking,
up, out and inside.
We are made of time.
Poppets of fate
Supple as velveteen babes
We are the old that will return as the young
We are the amnesia that makes this fun.
When one of us dies, few lament
The parent, the lover, the Self.
in the half empty service
When one of us is born again, legions shout from their pulpits
while tears of joy and grief waltz
on a naked breast
Freedom is ours
Heaven is here
Our savior is now
The womb of the dust and the spirals,
to the dust, and the never ending bang.
The rats and the tigers,
The lilies and the fragrant roses
The womb of the mother is lustful for more,
For the hum of the colors she spews
Volcanic, clearing of the canvas
Brilliant, thunderous shards of arms outstretched
we reach out to her our mother, our monster
to our stormy mirror.
Our mines, our self driving slavery,
Let you go.
One breath for you, one last breath for all.
We are full, always ripe, through life and death
We mark ourselves and point
This Is the exit to gold
No here
No yes
Please stay
No Yes
Find me here.
Child, sister, friend, life.
This is her, and him
standing in their habitat
This is them, a tussle of empty vessels
wrestling in the gaseous mix
This is us, clenched in the speechless game
This is seven billion sets of tears
Falling into plains of notes
Slipping into icy joy
Crashing into the compass of origin
Deep as nothing in excess
Desired as a hero’s fleece
These are the highs and lows of absolutely nothing
a driftwood of goodbye
a siren’s buoyant salutation,
ringing through the ears of a whale
through the layers of spinning wheels
This is the seduction
of the luminous stillness
the moment of the Waving through the noise,
Come, I love you.
And together we die.
You in the bed.
Me in the eyes.