Welcome to World War: The Remix
Dear Friends,
Let’s talk about the state of the world and how humans have made it in the face of their God. Apparently this God is vengeful and greedy and he smites and blights constantly. Now, don’t go getting this God mixed up with his twin brother or sister (we can’t tell the difference with that one), because that twin is nothing dramatic. That God does things quietly almost too damn subtly to notice. Fields of wheat and blue skies? That’s not going to put bodies in the seats or get many clicks. You see Friends, World War, is all about numbers.
So let’s get this in order and look at it properly: this war has never stopped since the first mechanized doodad engine came into being. This world war plot is bigger than slaves building up pyramids and it is bigger than a few well done cyber hacks. This world war is all about mixing it up so nobody knows the full story and the best part is — they all think they do. You see, this world war is an interactive killer. Bonus of the whole thing is that by supporting it you support the God we know, the one that says only a few guys in robes are chosen enough to read the book and tell you what it says. Of course that got tricky with massive literacy but don’t you worry. We built special units for those literate peasant types who buck the rule of the God of Constant Growth.
Now you may think you know the clerical outfits of the chosen, but I promise you it is tricky. They don’t actually wear the same outfits from culture to region they vary. Some of they don’t even think they’re religious and they wear suits and make laws and busy themselves with all sorts of control. It is beautiful I tell you, the way they act like they know who to blame while they know full well there is no one to blame, just pockets to fill.
Friends, there are things to remember about this “new” World War. First off, desensitize yourself to your feelings to be efficient. Next, find your local strongman cleric and make sure you never, ever disagree with them. Nuance is a killer and open and valuable dialogue might lead to compromise. Never compromise, because all that leads to is growth, but not the kind we like. You see, for this updated World War to work all growth has to go to one of a handful of leaders, usually the ones you respect because they have really expensive suits. You see, you have to crave what a person has, you actually have to secretly covet their power and their nasty ways to understand them as the God-like creature they portray. Remember, this is not the time for the quiet God, the one that makes gardens and plants a bazillion types of fruit and makes them free for the birds and the passing animals. This is definitely not the time for the God Bro-Sis who uses solar energy as a model for the very basis of all this quiet, cohabitating life without war. NO.
This is the time to stand behind your mistakes. It is the time to let innocent, quiet people who stand there like damn trees — well it’s time to let them get ploughed under like the dandelions and wild oats they are. Sure they have medicinal and nutritional value but you can’t imagine how unruly they are to lead. They just spread with the wind and like that fruit I was mentioning they like to do their business without permits and bureaucracy. Without that you can’t have bottlenecks and corruption and you can’t have control.
Remember that the most important thing for the God of World War is the needs of the few to control the many. It’s important to whittle down the creeds and the races and the flags to make sure that nobody but the few have the most control because that is how the primary God of this story functions. We took care of this a few epochs ago and we are so damn tired of having to say it again but we do understand that every good scheme needs some regular maintenance. So, let’s remember that this is maintenance of a few major things like denial. Deny that east meets west and the north meets south without fanfare. Deny that individual people have the right to decide how to breathe and eat and fuck and pray. Deny the right of people to wear what they damn well please. Deny that people get to read or write what they want.
Deny it all is the motto of World War Whatever this is, because remember it never stopped. This is about moving along with progress people! But it’s also about making sure that progress and evolution aren’t actually allowed so that only revolution exists. Revolution is what we encourage, and not in that peaceful-boring way of positive inventions and free form adaptations and innovations — NO! Revolution, the only kind the War mind will tolerate is bloody and requires people who are just trying to live to decide that they are willing to die. We love forcing people into that kind of revolution because it takes down the global numbers. We like that bloody stuff because it leaves rivers of tears and those are good for keeping us in business.
So if you have weapons turn them into NFTs because we have the market and you cornered. We have purposefully connected you to a system that is global but not like that model provided by the ocean or by the land map that has absolutely not one man made border on it. Our shadow heaven forbid! Only the maps we make matter. In those we decide that people can’t cross pollinate and range freely. Only in our maps do we decide who gets to speak their language or plant their gardens. Only in our maps can we provide the stability we must otherwise threaten. Only in our world will you be safe from an invasion by us into your homes, your minds. Remember friends, in this war you must pick your strong man and simply follow the lines of the global supply chain we gave you. Remember it’s a small price to pay for year-round strawberries (fresh not preserved!) and even smaller price to pay for pipelines that crush up rock and water and spew them back out with all the glory of volcanoes. They’re so ejaculative — I mean evocative! I mean, just picture them now, so damn beautiful and dramatic.
Dear Friends, in closing I have nothing to offer except this ultimate choice of clinging to your drama God in whatever flavor of potentate you were born into. Remember you don’t own six residences and you don’t have any golden parachute or visas. Those are only given to people who are too busy gauging your productivity metrics and to their kids who are busy posting their last meal and outfit to social media in order to give your salivary glands a workout. After all, drool keeps the mouth healthy and we need you as healthy as all the others we keep in our nation-stables. We love the drama as much as you do. We love holding up our drama God so you forget the other one sitting over there on their duff making baskets for fish they will be too stupid to sell to a country eight thousand miles away. Local, growing, solar God Bro-Sis is just no match to the one we offer. It’s too fluid to be of use to us and we promise it is of no use to you.
Love, The Order of the Orthodoxy of The God of Drama, Delusion and The Murder of Innocents.